Academic Commons Survey Results

We would like to offer our thanks to the CUNY Academic Commons Community for your great response to our April Survey. We thought you would like to see a summary of the feedback we received. Take a look to see how people are using the Academic Commons and what features they use most plus lots of other interesting aggregate information about the Commons. [scribd id=317520700 key=key-sokph6p0RDerGwJD7bjN mode=scroll height=”600″]

One Response to Academic Commons Survey Results

  1. Anthony Picciano July 7, 2016 at 2:42 am #

    Dear Matt,

    Thanks for you and your staff’s work with this. In reviewing the results, here are a couple of my thoughts. First, I am glad to see that the Commons is being used by a healthy number of older individuals. I never supported Prensky’s digital native thesis and while Commons participants lean to younger generations, there are healthy percentages among older individuals.

    Second, if a major goal of the Commons was to help people connect, the survey results identifying the top two activities (Groups and Sites/Blogs) suggest that this is happening.

    Third, in hind sight, you might have included a question about Commons support services. I sincerely believe that the success of the Commons is due in part to the support that you and your staff provide.


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