We would like to offer our thanks to the CUNY Academic Commons Community for your great response to our April Survey. We thought you would like to see a summary of the feedback we received. Take a look to see how people are using the Academic Commons and what features they use most plus lots of other interesting aggregate information about the Commons. [scribd id=317520700 key=key-sokph6p0RDerGwJD7bjN mode=scroll height=”600″]
Dear Matt,
Thanks for you and your staff’s work with this. In reviewing the results, here are a couple of my thoughts. First, I am glad to see that the Commons is being used by a healthy number of older individuals. I never supported Prensky’s digital native thesis and while Commons participants lean to younger generations, there are healthy percentages among older individuals.
Second, if a major goal of the Commons was to help people connect, the survey results identifying the top two activities (Groups and Sites/Blogs) suggest that this is happening.
Third, in hind sight, you might have included a question about Commons support services. I sincerely believe that the success of the Commons is due in part to the support that you and your staff provide.