We are excited to announce the release of two new plugins that can be used by the whole WordPress community: ScholarPress CoinS 2.0 and BP Multiple Forum Post. Built by Dan Jones, Assistant Developer, these tools are the first free-software work he has done since joining the Commons’ Development Team. Congratulations Dan!
ScholarPress COinS 2.0
ScholarPress COinS 2.0 is our improvement on an original plugin written by developers at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University.
ScholarPress COinS 2.0 adds COinS metadata to your blog posts, which will allow other tools that can read/parse COinS to ingest data about your posts.
After activating this plugin, you will see a new section (see screenshot, below) on your edit screen where bibliographic information about your post or page can be added. Fields include title, creator name, a list of comma separated subject descriptors, source, date, and identifier (URL). Many of these fields are automatically populated, but can be changed if necessary.

Screenshot from the Scholar Press Plugin
What is COinS?
COinS stands for “ContextObjects in Spans.” It’s a way to include bibliographic metadata into the HTML of a webpage. You don’t see this metadata when reading the page, but the bibliographic information can be ingested (or “read”) by software designed to collate and publish this metadata or retrieve digital objects based on search parameters.
BP Multiple Forum Post
This new plugin lets users create new bbPress forum topics across multiple BuddyPress groups at the same time. You need to be a member of these groups and you will only receive a single notification of the forum topic. And only one item will appear on your activity feed. Initial attachments and tags from the forum topic will be published on the forum of all groups, but after that, all content will be separated. You will receive notification from each group when comments are posted. There is no need to activate this plugin – it is available on all group forums.

Screenshot from the Post to Multiple Groups Field
Free Software Contributions
As a member of the WordPress and BuddyPress communities, the CUNY Academic Commons is proud to contribute its time and talents to these open source projects. To see more of our open source work, visit our Free Software Contributions page.https://news.commons.gc.cuny.edu/wp-admin/upload.php?item=3662
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