For several months now the CUNY Academic Commons has offered serialized email reports via Google Analytics for our blogging community. These email reports include detailed information about the amount of traffic your blog receives including; how many hits occur in a given time window, how long visitors are on your site, and how many pages […]
Author Archive | Brian Michael Foote
Commons In A Box Released
In November of 2011 the CUNY Academic Commons announced that it would begin work on creating a standalone version of the Commons. With generous support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the encouragement of our friends and colleagues, the CUNY Academic Commons team is delighted to announce that Commons In A Box is now […]

CUNY Academic Commons Launches Commons In A Box (Press Release)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New York, NY — November 19, 2012 2:00 PM EST Contact Information: Matthew K. Gold, Ph.D. Director, CUNY Academic Commons [email protected] CUNY ACADEMIC COMMONS LAUNCHES COMMONS IN A BOX & COMMONSINABOX.ORG The CUNY Academic Commons, an initiative of the City University of New York, is proud to release: Commons In A […]

Introducing Google Analytics for Your Blog
Have you always wondered how many people are visiting your blog on the Commons? The Commons team is happy to announce that visitor statistics reports are now available to the CUNY Academic Commons community via Google Analytics. New features in Google Analytics have made it possible for the Commons team to provide personalized reports to […]

Welcome to Commons 1.2
After months of hard work the CUNY Academic Commons team is happy to release the CUNY Academic Commons Version 1.2.0. This latest upgrade has some of our most ambitious new features to date with many developed in response to the community’s insight and suggestions. This post will introduce you to Commons 1.2.0, walk you through […]
Upgrades to the Group Feature for Commons 1.1
Hello Everyone! As you’ve probably noticed there’s been a few changes to the Commons! We’ve rolled out Commons 1.1 and with it there are several exciting new additions to the Groups feature we’d like to share with you. The first thing you’ll notice is that you now have more control over how you receive email […]