We are pleased to announce CUNY Academic Commons Version 1.10. The new release contains a variety of improvements to some of our most popular features plus some new items. Here’s a brief summary…
The Forum feature within Groups now supports rich text, allows forum attachments to be browsed in files, and provides autocomplete when mentioning a Commons easier. For screenshots and instructions, please go here.
Events Calendar
Events Calendar is now easier to use with a slick new date picker plus the ability to provide attendees with the room number of your meeting/event. If you have a blog on the Commons, you can now embed Group Event Calendars in your posts using a shortcode. See how.
Another exciting development is that site-wide events are now implemented for public events to which all members are invited.
If you haven’t yet taken advantage of Events Calendar, this link should give you what you need to get started.
Social Paper
We have improved our Social Paper directories so that it is easier to keep track of your papers. It is also easier to identify and select individuals to whom you wish to give “read” access to your papers. More details on how to take advantage of these improvement are available here.
ScholarPress COinS 2.0
ScholarPress COinS 2.0 is our improvement on an original plugin written by developers at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University.
“ScholarPress COinS 2.0 adds COinS metadata to your blog posts, which will allow other tools that can read/parse COinS to ingest data about your posts.”
COinS stands for “ContextObjects in Spans.” It’s a way to include bibliographic metadata into the HTML of a webpage. You don’t see this metadata when reading the page, but the bibliographic information can be ingested (or “read”) by software designed to collate and publish this metadata or retrieve digital objects based on search parameters.
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