Tightening the Integration between Groups and the Events Calendar

We first introduced the Commons Events Calendar in May of 2015 with Commons 1.8 , and it has proved to be a powerful tool for getting the word out about upcoming conferences, seminars, and other CUNY-related events, especially for Commons groups.

In our first iteration, we allowed any member of a group to enter an event on the group calendar, and associate it with any groups to which s/he belongs. That is still the default setting, but based on feedback from Commons members, we realized that some group admins need more control over their group calendars. So we have tightened our group and calendar integration, adding a setting that lets group admins decide how they want calendar events controlled.

If you are an admin of a group on the Commons, you can click on “Manage” and a new tab called “Events.” Clicking on the tab will allow you to make changes to this setting. See below:


If you’re fine with allowing any member to connect events with your group, no changes are necessary.  This is the default setting.

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