New Analytics


For several months now the CUNY Academic Commons has offered serialized email reports via Google Analytics for our blogging community.  These email reports  include detailed information about the amount of traffic your blog receives including; how many hits occur in a given time window, how long visitors are on your site, and how many pages they visited while at your site.  While this data is often helpful to many in our community we are pleased to announce that we will now be able to offer our community members even greater access to the rich data available through Google Analytics.

The profile filtering system offered by Google Analytics will help us give you access to all data available from Google Analytics about traffic to your blog while protecting the privacy of other community members.  Your profile will allow you to explore and interact with some of the more nuanced data generated by Google not included in the email reports and help you develop strategies to reach your intended audiences.  If you would prefer the email reports we will continue to arrange those.  Please contact [email protected] to set up your profile now and begin exploring the rich information available about your impact on the web.


After your profile has been created please allow several days for Google Analytics to accurately populate your profile before using the data available.


  1. Statistics For Your Site | Commons Codex - February 10, 2013

    […] Since we have Google Analytics running site-wide, we don’t provide widgets to display individual site stats – you’ll need to receive data via email. […]

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