The backbone of the CUNY Academic commons is our Groups feature. Whether you use it as a graduate class platform, a research group, or a place to store and discuss department and committee concerns, you know how useful it can be. (And if you’re at the starting point, please read our How to Create, Join and Maintain Groups page to begin.) The Forum function allows you to access a message board to exchange ideas in threaded discussions. As of Commons 1.10, there are some improvements we’d like to announce:
- It is easier than ever to include someone in the discussion. If you type @ followed by a username when writing a forum post, you’ll get autocomplete suggestions:
The person who you’ve mentioned in your post will immediately receive an email notfication which includes a link to the discussion.
- Forum posts now support rich text. Here is what the Visual Tab looks like:
And a Text tab:
- Forum attachments can be browsed in the group’s Files section, allowing you to quickly toggle between an attachment and the forum threads:
We hope you enjoy these improved features! Any questions? Please email the Community team: [email protected] .
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